Adventure Comedy Family Animation
In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the demigod to set things right.
Directed by
John Musker, Ron Clements
Dwayne Johnson
Maui (voice)
Alan Tudyk
Heihei / Villager #3 (voice)
Jemaine Clement
Tamatoa (voice)
Temuera Morrison
Chief Tui (voice)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Additional Voices (voice)
Auliʻi Cravalho
Moana (voice)
Nicole Scherzinger
Sina (voice)
Rachel House
Gramma Tala (voice)
Christopher Jackson
Chief Tui (singing voice) (uncredited)
Oscar Kightley
Fisherman (voice)
Della Saba
Eric Goldberg
Christina Asher
Troy Polamalu
Villager #1 (voice)
Louise Bush
Toddler Moana (voice)
Puanani Cravalho
Villager #2 (voice)
Fiona Collins
Caitlin Singer
Leah Latham
Caitlin Coons

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