Drama Animation Comedy Crime
Brother Rabbit, Brother Bear, and Preacher Fox rise to the top of the crime ranks in Harlem by going up against a con-man, a racist cop, and the Mafia.
Directed by
Ralph Bakshi
Written by
Ralph Bakshi
Frank De Kova
Managan (voice) / Ruby (voice) (uncredited)
Jesse Welles
Marrigold (voice) / Miss America (voice) (uncredited)
Al Lewis
The Godfather (voice) (uncredited)
Philip Michael Thomas
Randy / Brother Rabbit (voice)
Scatman Crothers
Pappy / Old Man Bone (voice)
Barry White
Sampson / Brother Bear (voice)
Charles Gordone
Preacherman / Preacher Fox (voice)
Mihaly 'Michu' Meszaros
Boxing referee (uncredited)
Danny Rees
Clown (voice)
Buddy Douglas
Referee (voice)
Jim Moore
Mime (voice)
Richard Paul
Sonny (voice) (uncredited)
Ben Gage
Brother Bear (voice) (uncredited)

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