Adventure Animation Comedy Family
Polar bear Norm and his three Arctic lemming buddies are forced out into the world once their icy home begins melting and breaking apart. Landing in New York, Norm begins life anew as a performing corporate mascot, only to discover that his new employers are directly responsible for the destruction of his polar home.
Directed by
Trevor Wall
Bill Nighy
Socrates (voice)
Heather Graham
Vera (voice)
Rob Schneider
Norm (voice)
Ken Jeong
Mr. Greene (voice)
Colm Meaney
Grandfather (voice)
Loretta Devine
Tamecia (voice)
Gabriel Iglesias
Pablo / Stan (voice)
Keith Ferguson
Human Tourist (voice)
Debi Derryberry
Daughter (voice)
Zachary Gordon
Norm Cub (voice) (uncredited)
Jess Harnell
Male Tourist (voice)
Charlie Adler
Forebear (voice)
Ben Diskin
Chef Kozawa (voice)
Michael McElhatton
Laurence (voice)
Janet Varney
Janet (voice)
Rove McManus
Junior Investor (voice)
Salome Jens
Councilwoman Klubeck (voice)
Kate Higgins
Elizabeth (voice)
Eric Price
Caribous (voice)
Mikey Kelley
Henchman #2 (voice)
Nick Shakoour
Costumed Bear (voice)
Rick D. Wasserman
Henchman #3 (voice)
G.K. Bowes
Female Tourist (voice)
Dan Gordon
Nigel / PA / Henchman #1 (voice)
Maya Kay
Olympia (voice)
Emily Polydoros
Bratty Girl (voice)
Max Spitz
Teen Bear #1 (voice)

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