Drama Comedy Romance
Ten screenwriters collaborated on this series of tales concerning the effect a tailcoat cursed by its tailor has on those who wear it. The video release features a W.C. Fields segment not included in the original theatrical release.
Directed by
Julien Duvivier
Written by
Lamar Trotti, Henry Blankfort, László Vadnay, Ben Hecht, Ferenc Molnár, Samuel Hoffenstein, László Görög, Alan Campbell, Donald Ogden Stewart, Ladislas Fodor
Henry Fonda
Phil Silvers
First Salesman at Santelli's (uncredited)
Charles Boyer
Paul Orman
Morris Ankrum
W.C. Fields
Professor Pufflewhistle
Rita Hayworth
Ethel Halloway
Ethel Waters
George Sanders
Elsa Lanchester
Elsa (Mrs Charles) Smith
James Gleason
Joe - Mission Aid Society
Victor Francen
Arturo Bellini - Symphony conductor
Thomas Mitchell
John Halloway
Blue Washington
Shantytown Man (Robeson sequence) (uncredited)
Donald Douglas
'Hen 'Henderson (Robinson sequence) (as Don Douglas)
Charles Laughton
Charles Smith
J. Carrol Naish
Burglar - Robber #1
Cesar Romero
Harry Wilson
Frank Orth
Secondhand Clothes Dealer (Rogers sequence)
Roland Young
Edgar - Wilson's butler
Paul Robeson
Gail Patrick
Ellen - Diane's friend
Edward G. Robinson
Avery L. 'Larry' Browne
Ginger Rogers
Mae Marsh
Molly (Robinson sequence)
Will Wright
Old Concertgoer (Laughton sequence) (uncredited)
Harry Davenport
Prof. Lyons
Helene Reynolds
Actress (Boyer sequence)
Christian Rub
Cello Player (Laughton sequence)
Margaret Dumont
Mme. Langehanke (uncredited)
Marcel Dalio
Second Salesman at Sandelli's (uncredited)
Eugene Pallette
Luther - Orman's butler
Herschel Graham
Concertgoer (uncredited)
Clarence Muse
Grandpa (Robeson sequence)
James Rennie
H.R. 'Hank' Bronson (Robinson sequence)
Harry Hayden
'Soupy' Davis (Robinson sequence)
Marion Martin
'Squirrel' Grey
Rondo Hatton
Party Guest (uncredited)
Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson
Rev. Lazarus
Cordell Hickman
Little Nicodemus (Robeson sequence)
Adeline De Walt Reynolds
Elsa's Old Mother (Laughton sequence)
George H. Reed
Christopher (Robeson sequence)
Paul Renay
'Spud' Johnson (Robinson sequence)
Barbara Lynn
Mary (Robinson sequence)
Hazel Dohlman
Concertgoer (uncredited)
Stuart Hall
Reunion Guest (uncredited)

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