TV Movie Thriller Drama
Overprotective mother Liz Benedict meets 18-year-old orphan Joanna Redwine and hires her as house help and live-in companion to rambunctious daughter Tara. Liz's husband Jeff isn't too thrilled with the arrangement, and his fears soon prove justified when Joanna begins to manipulate everyone and to slowly destroy the family. Meanwhile, next-door neighbor Dr. Linquist investigates and discovers Joanna has a disturbing past.
Directed by
Peter Medak
Written by
Jennifer Miller
Patty Duke
Liz Benedict
William Shatner
Dr. Jeff Benedict
Stephanie Zimbalist
Joanna Redwine
Quinn Cummings
Tara Benedict
Kenneth Tigar
Tom Montgomery
Louie Elias
John Houseman
Dr. Lindquist
David Wallace
Frank Birney
Mr. Farragut
Hildy Brooks
Virginia Kiser
Mrs. Welford
Ty Haller

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