Comedy Horror
Home alone, Becky (Debbie Kopacz) is already on edge from a night of watching scary movies when an anonymous caller takes her terror to the brink by forcing her to trade spooky stories with him in this Jim Haggerty-helmed horror flick. Tales of murderous ventriloquist dummies, housewives ensnared by voodoo and more follow in an agonizing game of one-upmanship that could end up with Becky dead. Cathy St. George and Vic Martino co-star.
Directed by
Jim Haggerty
Jonathan Holtzman
Tom the caller
Debbie Kopacz
Jae Mosc
Andrew Phillips
Craig Bergen
David Tapias
The Watcher
Kate Webster
Carol Jones
Vic Martino
Jeff Jones
Laura Parrella
Shop lady / Mrs. Callingham
Jerry Ambrose
Delivery Man

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