Animation Fantasy
Twinkle Twirl has to choreograph a special dance for the Friendship Ball, and she's completely uninspired! She asks Sky Wishes to make an extra-special wish so that she can come up with a great idea. Little do the ponies know that a wish-granting Pegasus pony, Star Catcher, has heard about this wish and is going to make it come true.
Directed by
Davis Doi
Written by
Jeanne Romano
Venus Terzo
Rainbow Dash (voice)
Kelly Sheridan
Loop-de-La (voice)
Lenore Zann
Star Catcher (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Twinkle Twirl (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Minty / Desert Rose (voice)
Adrienne Carter
Coconut Cream / Sunny Daze (voice)
Janyse Jaud
Pinkie Pie / Scooter Sprite (voice)
Ellen Kennedy
Starbeam (voice)
Saffron Henderson
Sky Wishes / Gem Blossom (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Forsythia (voice)

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