Drama TV Movie
Margaret keeps her neighbours at a distance and avoids contact except with Cara. She enjoys her company just for making music since Cara plays the violin accompanying Margaret at the piano. Because of her arthritis she accepts the housemaid Robin who wants to become an actress. With this naive pretty girl her life gets suddently really exciting and she makes a lot of new friends.
Directed by
Ernest Thompson
Written by
Ernest Thompson
Kathy Bates
Mr. Goo
Shirley MacLaine
Margaret Mary Elderdice
Jennifer Grey
Robin Ouiseau
Liza Minnelli
Cara Varnum
Estelle Harris
Robert Pastorelli
Sookie Cerullo
Lorna Scott
Hal Williams
August Schellenberg
Richard Gilliland
Camille Saviola
Tsai Chin
Mary Pat Gleason
George Alvarez
Construction Worker
Lynn Danielson-Rosenthal

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