Comedy Drama
Paul Hogan plays Charlie McFarland and Shane Jacobson plays his estranged son, Boots. After a family tragedy Charlie and Boots try and put their differences aside and head off on the road trip of a lifetime - from regional Victoria to the Cape York Peninsula - they overcome many challenges to reach their dream - to fish off the northern most tip of Australia.
Directed by
Dean Murphy
Written by
Dean Murphy, Stewart Faichney
Roy Billing
Paul Hogan
Charlie McFarland
Shane Jacobson
Boots McFarland
Alan Powell
Rodeo Clown
Bec Asha
Gunbar Waitress
Morgan Griffin
Deborah Kennedy
Miles Waitress
Anne Phelan
Female Truckie
Reg Evans
Lisa N Edwards
Graeme's Wife
Anthony Hammer
Alec Wilson
Rodeo Worker 1
Stewart Faichney

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