Comedy Crime Drama
Nicolas Cage is Charlie Kaufman, a confused L.A. screenwriter overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, sexual frustration, self-loathing, and by the screenwriting ambitions of his freeloading twin brother Donald. While struggling to adapt "The Orchid Thief," by Susan Orlean, Kaufman's life spins from pathetic to bizarre. The lives of Kaufman, Orlean's book, become strangely intertwined as each one's search for passion collides with the others'.
Directed by
Spike Jonze
Nicolas Cage
Charlie Kaufman / Donald Kaufman
Judy Greer
Alice the Waitress
Gary Farmer
Buster Baxley
Meryl Streep
Susan Orlean
Tilda Swinton
Valerie Thomas
John Cusack
John Cusack (uncredited)
Jim Beaver
Ranger Tony
John Malkovich
John Malkovich (uncredited)
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Caroline Cunningham
Ron Livingston
Marty Bowen
Brian Cox
Robert McKee
Catherine Keener
Catherine Keener (uncredited)
Doug Jones
Augustus Margary
Chris Cooper
John Laroche
Peter Jason
Defense Attorney
Bob Stephenson
Cara Seymour
Amelia Kavan
Jay Tavare
Matthew Osceola
Roger Willie
Nancy Lenehan
Kaufman’s Mother
Gregory Itzin
Julie Janney
Lisa Love
Orlean Dinner Guest
Curt Clendenin
Restaurant Customer (uncredited)
Agnes NaDene Baddoo
Orlean Dinner Guest
Paul Fortune
Orlean Dinner Guest
Paul Jasmin
Orlean Dinner Guest
Wendy Mogel
Orlean Dinner Guest
Lynn Court
Laroche’s Dad
Roger E. Fanter
Laroche’s Uncle
Larry Krask
John Etter
McKee Lecture Attendee
Ray Berrios
Police Officer

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