Adventure Action
U.S. agent Major Tom Blake is sent to Tripoli to uncover who it is in Washington that is tipping off the pirates as to what's being shipped where. A fast-moving story with lots of sabers and rapiers.
Directed by
Lew Landers
John Dehner
Murad Reis
William Fawcett
Ezra Fielding
Matthew Boulton
Tobias Sharpe
Joe Mantell
Dexter Freeman
Nelson Leigh
Trudy Marshall
Anne Ridgeway
Holmes Herbert
Thomas Jefferson
Lenore Aubert
Donald Woods
Maj. Tom Blake
Stefan Schnabel
Yusof - the Bey of Tripoli
Frank Reicher
Ross Ford
Sam Ridgeway
Russell Hicks
Commodore Preble
Frank Jaquet
Capt. Crawford

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