Drama Romance Music
New Moon is the name of the ship crossing the Caspian Sea. A young Lt. Petroff meets the Princess Tanya and they have a ship board romance. Upon arriving at the port of Krasnov, Petroff learns that Tanya is engaged to the old Governor Brusiloff. Petroff, disillusioned, crashes the ball to talk with Tanya. Found by Brusiloff, they invent a story about her lost bracelet. To reward him, and remove him, Brusiloff sends Petroff to the remote, and deadly, Fort Darvaz. Soon, the big battle against overwhelming odds will begin.
Directed by
Jack Conway
Adolphe Menjou
Governor Boris Brusiloff
Roland Young
Count Strogoff
George Magrill
Nina Quartero
Vadda - Tanya's Maid
Emily Fitzroy
Countess Anastasia Strogoff
Russell Hopton
Harry Cording
Kirghiz Soldier at Fort Darvaz
Gus Shy
Grace Moore
Princess Tanya Strogoff
John Carroll
Russian Soldier on Ship
Tyler Brooke
Gossipy Passenger on Ship
Carrie Daumery
Guest at Grand Ball
Karl Dane
Kirghiz Soldier at Fort Darvaz
Babe London
Buxom Peasant Girl on Ship
William H. O'Brien
Waiter at Ball
Lew Meehan
Tex Driscoll
Kirghiz Soldier at Fort Darvaz
Virginia Sale
Madame Romanski
Lawrence Tibbett
Lieutenant Michael Petroff
Frankie Genardi
David Mir
Ship Passenger / Bridge Player

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