Romance Action Crime
Racecar-driver Lou Larrigan gets mixed up with a crooked gang of racetrack promoters, and is in love with Ruth Morgan, whose father is marked as a victim by the gang.
Directed by
A. Edward Sutherland
Richard Arlen
Lou Larrigan
Charles Sellon
James R. Morgan
Irving Bacon
Yokel Driver (uncredited)
Tully Marshall
Dave Gentry
Guy Oliver
Sam Hardy
Windy 'Wally' Wallace
Francis McDonald
'Bullet' McGhan
Russ Powell
Sneezing Barber
Mary Brian
Ruth Morgan
Clara Blandick
Mrs. Minnie Winkle
Robert Dudley
Broderick O'Farrell
Card Player
Paddy O'Flynn
Ride Man
Dick Rush

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