Romance TV Movie Comedy
The ENT doctor dr. Arnold Fischer, called Arnie, always tries to please everyone. His friend and colleague Gregor is quite different: Purposeful and enterprising, he thinks especially of his own progress. Together, they want to expand the practice to a state-of-the-art tinnitus center. For this they need the neighboring apartment, but lives in the Mathilda, in which the shy Arnie is secretly in love. He does not have the heart to show Mathilda out of the apartment. And so Gregor tries with not always fine methods to get rid of the unpleasant tenant - which ends in a complete disaster ...
Directed by
Sibylle Tafel
Written by
Ralf Hertwig, Thomas Bahmann
Melika Foroutan
Mathilda Lenz
Fred Stillkrauth
Katharina Abt
Ines Fischer
Ulrich Noethen
Dr. Arnold 'Arnie' Fischer
Kathrin von Steinburg
Jule Enderlein
Heio von Stetten
Gregor Reibold
Nick Dong-Sik
Lo Ming
Vanessa Krüger
Pia Fischer
Sarah Camp
Marco Bretscher-Coschignano
Sabine Lorenz
Dr. Sabine Ullmann

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