Family Animation
It's Rocky meets the Mikado when Larry the Cucumber stars as The Italian Scallion in this newest VeggieTales adventure. Larry is a wrestler who somehow manages never to finish what he starts. Eventually his ability to take anything seriously lands him in the ring with Apollo Gourd.
Directed by
Mike Nawrocki
Written by
Jim Fisher, Tod Carter, Jim Lewis, Jim Staahl, Mike Nawrocki
Tim Hodge
Lutfi/Irish Dream Man/Sumo Passerby/Pirates (voice)
Phil Vischer
Bobby/Master/Apollo/Archibald/Jm Gourdly/Mikey(voice)
Lisa Vischer
Junior - Hadrian (voice)
Mike Nawrocki
Scallion/Cameraman/Jean Claude/St. Patrick/Pirates(voice)
Greg Whalen
Captain/Clergyman/Po Tato/Pirates (voice)
Joe Sapulich
Sailor #2 (voice)
Justin Drury

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