Drama Comedy Romance
An idealistic British drama school teacher, Jodi Rutherford, persuades a cynical South African farmer to prepare her for a role in a major film as an Afrikaans war heroine. In return Jodi undertakes to direct the annual concert on the Willemse farm. Jodi's interaction with the quirky small town citizens and the stubborn Kobus, teaches her that: "there is more to life than lights... camera... and action!"
Directed by
Henk Pretorius
Written by
Henk Pretorius, Tina Kruger
Gil Bellows
Daniel Taylor
Katie McGrath
Jodi Rutherford
Jana Strydom
Linda van der Merwe
Mary Twala
Sarah Novuka
James Alexander
Harry Smit
Brümilda van Rensburg
Magdaleen Willemse
Bok van Blerk
Kobus Willemse
Jako Krige
Drikus Malan
André Stolz
Japie van der Merwe
Eduan van Jaarsveldt
Johan Willemse
Craig Palm
Petrus Engelbreght
Ilze du Plooy
Elize Viljoen
Carien Botha
Katie Krizinger
Melt Sieberhagen
Piet Griek

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