Drama Comedy
After failing his university entrance exam, Yuki Hirano sets his eyes on the role of a forestry trainee. Setting off for training he doubts his decision many times, but eventually after passing the training course, he is sent to Kamusari Village for a year of work experience - where he becomes assimilated with the beauty of nature and the warm-hearted people of the village.
Directed by
Shinobu Yaguchi
Masami Nagasawa
Naoki Ishii
Yuki Furukawa
Shoji Hasegawa
Nana Seino
Reina Takahashi
Hideaki Ito
Yoki Iida
Akira Emoto
Toshiro Yamane
Yuriko Hirooka
Yuki's Mother
Naomi Nishida
Yuko Nakamura
Shota Sometani
Yuki Hirano
Makita Sports
Iwao Tanabe
Yoshimasa Kondo
Forestry Association Director
Ken Mitsuishi
Seiichi Nakamura
Haruka Uchimura
Ken Aoki
Chikara Naito
Yoji Tanaka
Daikichi Sugawara
Yuki's Father
Takayuki Yanagi
Shunpei Kawagoshi
Miki Iida
Masashi Arifuku
Saburo Oyama
Kazuta Sato
Yamane Kenji
Atsuko Ono
Shige Iida
Aki Kazama
Mao Asô

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