Drama Romance
This deceptively simple tale of a bored English couple travelling to Italy to find a buyer for a house inherited from an uncle is transformed by Roberto Rossellini into a passionate story of cruelty and cynicism as their marriage disintegrates around them.
Directed by
Roberto Rossellini
Ingrid Bergman
Katherine Joyce
George Sanders
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce
Paul Müller
Paul Dupont
Maria Mauban
Anna Proclemer
Lyla Rocco
La signora Sinibaldi (uncredited)
Leslie Daniels
Tony Burton
María Martín
Judy (uncredited)
Jackie Frost
Natalia Ray
Natalie Burton
Bianca Maria Cerasoli
Un'amica di Judy (uncredited)
Adriana Danieli
Un'amica di Judy (uncredited)

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