Fantasy Mystery
In this adaptation of the popular eponymous mystery novel by Keisuke Matsuoka, Paris provides the gorgeous backdrop for a grand intrigue involving the world’s most iconic artistic treasure: the Mona Lisa. Minds will be blown, puzzles will be solved, but will a 500-year-old curse be removed?
Directed by
Shinsuke Sato
Written by
Manabu Uda
Haruka Ayase
Riko Rinda
Tori Matsuzaka
Yuto Ogasawara
Jun Hashimoto
Koyo Ogino
Eriko Hatsune
Misa Ryusenji
Hiroaki Murakami
Hisayuki Asahina
Kazue Tsunogae
Pierre Deladonchamps
Richard Ble
Seminosuke Murasugi
Satoru Yamada

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