Mystery Thriller Horror
A reporter and a blind, retired journalist try to solve a series of murders. The crimes are connected to experiments by a pharmaceutical company in secret research. The two end up becoming targets of the killer.
Directed by
Dario Argento
James Franciscus
Carlo Giordani
Rada Rassimov
Bianca Merusi
Catherine Spaak
Anna Terzi
Aristide Caporale
Smoker in the Billiard Hall (uncredited)
Karl Malden
Franco Arnò
Werner Pochath
Horst Frank
Dr. Braun
Tom Felleghy
Dr. Esson
Stefano Oppedisano
Taxi driver
Vittorio Congia
Righetto (cameraman)
Ugo Fangareggi
Gigi the Loser
Fulvio Mingozzi
Spimi's man
Corrado Olmi
Umberto Raho
Manuel's ex-lover
Ada Pometti
Telephone operator
Pino Patti
Tino Carraro
Prof. Fulvio Terzi
Pier Paolo Capponi
Police Supt. Spini
Carlo Alighiero
Dr. Calabresi
Cinzia De Carolis
Franco Ukmar
Policeman - Speaks with Morsella About Food (uncredited)
Gennarino Pappagalli
Man in the Terzi's Institute (uncredited)
Giuseppe Marrocco
Man at Table in the Saint Peter's Club (uncredited)
Aldo Reggiani
Dr. Casoni
Marie Louise Sinclair
Film starlet
Margherita Horowitz
Lori's Babysitter (uncredited)
Giovanni Di Benedetto
Chief of Police Salmi (uncredited)
Emilio Marchesini
Dr. Mombelli
Jacques Stany
Prof. Manera
Walter Pinelli
Sascha Helwin
Martial Boschero
Ettore Arena
Billiard Player (uncredited)
Aldo Parenti

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