Comedy Horror
Los Angeles private eye Jack Chandler is hired by a worried mother to find her missing runaway daughter, Samantha. As Chandler searches for her whereabouts, he uncovers an evil cult that worships an Egyptian god, whose followers commit human sacrifices with chainsaws to appease their deity. He soon learns that Samantha has revenge in store for the cult leader and his bevy of blood-thirsty, chainsaw-wielding hookers.
Directed by
Fred Olen Ray
Michelle Bauer
Mercedes (as Michelle McClellan)
Linnea Quigley
Gunnar Hansen
The Stranger
Dawn Wildsmith
Esther Elise
Lisa (as Esther Alise)
John Henry Richardson
Jack Chandler (as Jay Richardson)
Jimmy Williams
Bo Hansen
Dennis T. Mooney
Fox Harris
Hermie (as Jerry Fox)
Tricia Burns
Michael Sonye
Jake the Bartender (as Dukey Flyswatter)
Jerry Miller
Steve Welles
Lab Tech #1
Charles O'Hair
Lab Tech #2
Susie Wilson
Gary J. Levinson
Ewing Miles Brown

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