Comedy Drama
Grand romantic gestures need not apply in this comedic tale of star-crossed young love. Instead, freshman Brian Kieslowski displays endless reserves of bumbling awkwardness as he goes home with a girl for the first time... and then learns that he got her pregnant... with twins... all while she's going through a rather inconvenient Christianity phase. Could it be that being the good guy and doing what's right are two very different things?
Directed by
Kerem Sanga
Written by
Kerem Sanga
John Redlinger
Melora Walters
Barbara Kieslowski
James Le Gros
Walter Mallard
Haley Lu Richardson
Leslie Mallard
Joshua Malina
Robert Kieslowski
Ryan Malgarini
Brian Kieslowski
Jeanne Simpson
Jessica Lu
Hi Jing
Osric Chau
Han Yeol Cho
Sam Aotaki
Judo Girl
Ben Levi Ross
Laura Patalano
Dan Warner
Stephanie Blair
Party Girl #3
Patrick Rutnam
Ayse Ergin
Mikhail Toupikov
Real Analysis Professor
Kat Hazelton
Party Girl #1
Elliott Stiles
Party Girl #2
Mark Erman
Angie Light
Nurse #1
Brenda Lamberty
Nurse #2
Denise D. Williamson
Chase Alexander Wilson
Kieslowski Twin
Sebastian Hawk Bolanos
Kieslowski Twin

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