Drama TV Movie
When a Chicago teen is arrested for drug possession, the ensuing investigation reveals that he has had sexual contact with an older man. Discovering his sexual encounter, other students start shunning him and call for his expulsion from school. His father as his conservative blue-collar dad also rejects him, while his mother does try to offer support.
Directed by
Herbert Wise
Written by
Conrad Bromberg
Adam Baldwin
Andy Hirsch
John Pleshette
John Hammill
Moira Harris
Ann Marie (as Moira Harris)
John Karlen
Tony Lo Bianco
Nan Woods
Kim Strauss
Timothy Williams
Anthony Candell
Donny Cavalero
Stephen James
Mark Reed
Gisela Caldwell
Rose Cavalero
Don James
Erik Leeper
Mary Ann Thebus
Adam Pelty
Boy on Balcony
Matthew S. Harrison
Bit (uncredited)

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