Thriller Drama Action Crime
When Officer Elijah Kane and his team of undercover cops discover a new lab drug flooding through the nightclubs of Seattle, they struggle to eliminate it from the streets immediately. As if dealing with a dozen dead ravers isn't enough, the cops begin to act as security guards for an obnoxious documentarian. They quickly become privy to the filmmaker's arrogance as he attempts to make a film regarding Seattle's underbelly.
Directed by
Wayne Rose
Written by
Joe Halpin, Steven Seagal
Steven Seagal
Elijah Kane
Sarah Lind
Meghan Ory
Warren Christie
Adrian Hough
Sheriff Graves
Kyle Cassie
Brad Gates
Elizabeth Thai
Jordan Sparks
Alex Mallari Jr.
J. Anthony Pena
William 'Big Sleeps' Stewart
Andre Mason

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