Drama Adventure
Student nurses join some doctors to work in a medical station a few hours flying-time from the Mexican town of Catamaco. One of their planes goes down due to an engine malfunction and crashes in the rain forest. This is the story of the attempts to save the lives of the passengers (both nurses and doctors).
Directed by
Larry Shaw
Jennifer Lopez
Rosie Romero
Damián Alcázar
Machine Gun
Robert Loggia
Dr. Daniel Perrin
Joan McMurtrey
David Clennon
Dr. Rulon Beesley
Paula Marshall
Jill Houston
Lindsay Wagner
Elizabeth Hahn
James Sutorius
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Gary Frank
Jay Patterson
Alyson Reed
Bill Bolender
Chris O'Neill
Sergio Calderón
Fred Sanders
USC Doctor
Farrah Forke
Fran Markoe
David Villalpando
Hilary Edson
Danae Hahn
Gerardo Moscoso

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