Comedy Music TV Movie Romance
Twenty-eight-year-old Georgia is convinced the man of her dreams is "the one that got away" back in high school. When Georgia learns of her high school reunion a week before Christmas, she's ecstatic to finally have her chance to win Craig back. But as she gets to relive high school for a night, she begins to realize it might not be Craig at all who got away, but Ben, an old friend with whom she'd fallen out of touch.
Directed by
Marita Grabiak
Written by
Barbara Kymlicka
Josh Crotty
Marilu Henner
Beverly Hunt
Harry Hamlin
Mr. Taylor
Rachel Boston
Georgia Hunt
Jonathan Bennett
Ben Oliver
Juliet Tondowski
Model (as Juliet Grace Tondowski)
Julia Voth
Sunny Mabrey
Jon Prescott
Elizabeth Braun
Heather (as Elizabeth Lauren Hoffman)
Stewart Scott
Fashion Designer
Eileen April Boylan
Brook (as Eileen Boylan)
Kenny Davis
Store Owner
Robin Johnson
Houda Shretah

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