Family Animation Adventure Western Drama Comedy Fantasy
Join Little Joe and his rootin' tootin' French pea brothers on an adventure that will take them from an abandoned mineshaft all the way to Dodge Ball City--with Little Joe's faith being tested every step of the way! It's a Wild West yarn that teaches us to keep the faith when facing hardship because, in the end, god can work all things out for good. Yee-haw!
Directed by
Tim Hodge, Mike Nawrocki
Written by
Robert G. Lee
Tim Hodge
Phil Vischer
Bob/The Baker/Mayor Nezzer/Mr. Lunt/Reuben/Archie/Pa/Peas(Voice)
Mike Nawrocki
Little Joe/Jude/Desperado #2/Blacksmith/Peas (Voice)
Jim Poole
Mr. McPotiphar
Lisa Vischer
Benjamin (Junior)
Jacquelyn Ritz
Miss Kitty (Voice)
Justin Barrett
Saloon Singer
Mike Sage
Scallion #3

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