Animation Family
The king needs a new queen, and Esther has been chosen! But she's about to find out that being queen is going to take more courage than she ever imagined! When a small town girl wakes up with the weight of the world on her shoulders and the fate of her people in her hands, can she find the courage to do what's right?
Directed by
Mike Nawrocki
Written by
Phil Vischer, Mike Nawrocki
Tim Hodge
Phil Vischer
Mr. Nezzer (King Xerxes) / Mr. Lunt (Haman) / Pa Grape (Mordecai) / Scallion #1 / Phillipe Pea (Peaoni Brother #1) (voice)
Mike Nawrocki
Larry the Cucumber (Markus the Scribe) / Jean-Claude Pea (Peaoni Brother #2) (voice)
Jessica Kaplan
Esther (voice)
Pamela Thomas
Esther (singing voice)
Kristi Vander Kooi Bramlett
Queen Vashti (voice)
Charlotte Volkman Jackson
Miss Achmetha (voice)
Joe Sapulich
Adam Frick

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