Family Animation Comedy Adventure
Meet Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry a two friends homesteading along the banks of the mighty Mississippi River. Tom and Huck look forward to owning their own land, building a home and opening Huckas Jerkyland and Tomas Tax Preparation. But everything changes when they meet a mysterious stranger who is on the run and trying to find his mama. Will Huck and Tom risk losing all theyave worked for in order to help someone they hardly know? Find out in this exciting river rescue that reminds kids of the importance of helping others.
Directed by
Brian K. Roberts
Written by
Phil Vischer
Mike Nawrocki
Larry / Duke / Baker / Chato / Peas / Silverstein / Mama (voice)
Jim Poole
Otto / Steve / Frank (voice)
Phil Vischer
Clark Wayne (George) / Tomato Sawyer (Bob the Tomato) / Big Jim (Little Jimmy) (Apollo Gourd) / Mr. Dooley (Mr. Nezzer) / King (Jimmy Gourd) / Ticket Agent (Mr. Lunt) / Phillipe Pea / Archibald Asparagus / Pa Grape / Silly Song Announcer (voice)
Tim Hodge
Lumberjack / Extra (voice)
J. Chris Wall
Cheerleader / Lumberjack / Extra (voice)
Joe Spadaford
Andy Youssi
Colleen Curtis
Adam Frick
Randall Goodgame
Andrew Peterson

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