Horror Animation Comedy
Bill Plympton's gothic '50s high-school comedy about a love-triangle that goes terribly wrong. Two murdered teens return from the grave, then go to their prom to get revenge.
Directed by
Bill Plympton
Dermot Mulroney
Rod (voice)
Justin Long
Dwayne (voice)
Keith Carradine
JoJo (voice)
David Carradine
Mr. Snerz (voice)
Beverly D'Angelo
Darlene (voice)
Tom Noonan
Principal (voice)
Ed Begley Jr.
Rev. Sidney Cheddar (voice)
Sarah Silverman
Cherri (voice)
Craig Bierko
Sarge (voice)
Peter Jason
Coach (voice)
Martha Plimpton
Miss Crumbles (voice)
Zak Orth
Zip (voice)
Jay O. Sanders
Football Announcer (voice)
Hayley DuMond
Buttercup (voice)

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