Mystery Thriller
Larry Morgan, a private detective, is hired by a woman who wants Larry to trail her husband. The husband is murdered and, shortly afterwards, the wife is also killed. Larry shuffles through a long list of suspects before revealing the killer...
Directed by
Eugene Forde
Victor Sen Yung
Wing - Houseboy
Kent Taylor
Lawrence 'Larry' Morgan
Ann Doran
Paris Wood
Doris Dowling
Margaret Loring
Arthur Space
Det. Capt. Fitzroy
Chester Clute
Apartment House Desk Clerk
Ivan Triesault
Peter Vandaman
Dennis Hoey
Steven Loring
Louise Currie
Vera Marshe
Daisy 'Dizzy' Nelson
Ralf Harolde
Milton Parsons
Dr. Huntley G. Harlow / Hackett
Bernadene Hayes
Mrs. Swann
Victoria Horne
Miss Phillips
Marietta Canty
Edwin Rand
Jeffrey Regan III
Douglas Evans
Dr. Kenneth G. Swann

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