Drama Romance
A Beijing professor returns to his stomping grounds for a friend's funeral. Reflecting on the past, he meets a tea shop owner who sparks feelings of love in a time of pain.
Directed by
Zhang Lu
Written by
Zhang Lu
Shin Min-a
Gong Yoon-hee
Baek Hyun-jin
Professor Park
Kim Su-an
Little Girl
Shin So-yul
Yoon Jin-seo
Park Hae-il
Choi Hyeon
Kim Tae-hun
Detective Lee Young-min
Lee Na-ra
Kim Chang-hee's Wife (uncredited)
Jung In-sun
Jo Hyun-jung
Gwag Ja-hyeong
Lee Chun-won
Kim Hak-seon
Kim Chang-hee (uncredited)
Choi Bae-young
Fortune Teller
Kim Ho-yeon

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