Comedy Adventure
Detectives Dick Williams and Andy McAllister find themselves trying to solve several crimes at an isolated mentally-ill hospital, where the patients range from slightly daffy to criminally insane, and they don't know which is which. A gang is out to steal a fortune inherited by one of the patients and, before Dick and Andy solve the case, several patients are transferred to the cemetery. And 'tiddlie-winks" are indeed involved.
Directed by
John Rawlins
Richard Arlen
Dick Williams
Rudolph Anders
Dr. Fleming
Edward Brophy
Bugsy (misspelled Bugs in on-screen credits)
Andy Devine
Andy McAllister
Marc Lawrence
Tom Dugan
Andrew Tombes
Silas Biggsby
Mira McKinney
Mrs. Hubbard
Richard Carle
Agatha - alias Mooseface Hogarty
Vince Barnett
Jean Brooks
Anne Bennett (as Jeanne Kelly)
George Pembroke
Olaf Anderson
Richard Kean
Mr. Whipple
Irving Mitchell
Dr. Robin

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