Drama Romance
Sevgi is a singer who works in a bar. Her boss Vural fancies her. Sevgi meets Selim and they fall in love. Selim is unaware of her job at the bar. Vural sends his men to Selim's father to tell him about Sevgi's job, thus prevents her marriage with Selim. Selim doesn't believe in all this. Vural shoots Selim out of jealousy, yet due to lack of evidence he gets released. Sevgi and Vural marry but she takes Selim's revenge in shooting Vural, having no reason to live anymore she shoots herself as well.
Directed by
Mehmet Bozkuş
Nubar Terziyan
Filiz Akın
Ekrem Bora
Atıf Kaptan
Feri Cansel
Engin Çağlar
Hüseyin Baradan
Gülistan Güzey

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