Western Comedy
Daniel Bone is aiming for success. A Brooklyn gunsmith by trade, he figures the place to be is where the guns are. So off he goes into the West and becomes the foe of the notorious Pecos Kid, the captive of Paiutes, the target in a saloon showdown, and the lone source of the whereabouts of a fabulous gold strike.
Directed by
Kurt Neumann
Gilbert Roland
Pecos Kid
Barton MacLane
Texas Jack Barton
Binnie Barnes
Kiki Kelly
Douglas Fowley
James Gleason
Sam Briggs
Gale Storm
Liza Crockett
Olin Howland
Sarah Padden
Mrs. Hallihan
Eddie Albert
Daniel Bone
Francis Pierlot
Mr. Brittle
Catherine Doucet
Grandma Crockett
Harry Hayden
Horace Hotchkiss
Tom Tyler
Lorraine MacLean

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