Animation Action Adventure Romance Drama
In the remote Southern Cross Island, a secret organization named The Glittering Crux plans to reactivate giant machines that have been sealed for ages. Known as Cybodies, they can only be controlled by pilots identified as Star Drivers. To unleash their full power, the mysterious group must break the seals of the four shrine maidens that reside in the isle. Recently arrived outsider Takuto Tsunashi vows to stop the Glittering Crux in order to protect Wako Agemaki, the girl who saved his life and is one of the four maidens. Wako is a lively young lady who has already been betrothed to Sugata Shindou, a rich and talented childhood friend. Despite being very close to Agemaki, Sugata quietly disapproves of this engagement since it was forced on them due to a family tradition. The melancholic couple becomes a radiant trio as Takuto becomes not only their friend but protector of the seals since he is none other than the Galactic Pretty Boy, gifted Star Driver of Tauburn, the 22nd Cybody.
Directed by
Kenji Takahashi, Keiei Yuzumi, Yoshiyuki Asai, Keisuke Onishi, Takahiko Kyougoku, Toshinori Narita, Shin Matsuo, Tarou Iwasaki, Hisatoshi Shimizu, Makoto Fuchigami, Ikuro Sato, Takuya Igarashi
Saori Hayami
Wako Agemaki (voice)
Mamoru Miyano
Takuto Tsunashi (voice)
Houko Kuwashima
Midori Okamoto (voice)
Akira Ishida
Head (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Sarina Endō (voice)
Ryo Hirohashi
Marino You (voice)
Jun Fukuyama
Sugata Shindō (voice)
Rina Hidaka
Yō Mizuno (voice)
Shin-ichiro Miki
Ryōsuke Katashiro (voice)
Haruka Tomatsu
Keta no Miko/Sakana-chan (voice)
Ami Koshimizu
Keito Nichi (voice)
Chiemi Chiba
Benio Shinada (voice)
Ayano Niina
Kanako Watanabe (voice)

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