Animation Family
Once upon a time, there lived a royally sour blueberry, a fair rhubarb maiden and a dastardly deceptive mirror! Sweetpea Beauty knows that what's on the inside is what matters most, but insecure Queen Blueberry can't see past her own reflection! So, when a decree is handed down that only the most beautiful can rule the land, the Queen gets nervous and things turn ugly! Banished to the dark forest, Sweetpea's fate seems bleak until a charming prince, a band of merry minstrels and seven snow peas come to the rescue! Will Sweetpea and her friends be able to warn the Queen in time to save her from the clutches of the tricky mirror - or will the crumbling kingdom and the Queen's own heart be lost forever? Find out in this fairy "Veggie" tale about the real meaning of true beauty.
Directed by
Mike Nawrocki
Written by
Mark Steele, Mike Nawrocki
Phil Vischer
Pa Grape/Archibald/Philippe/Mr. Lunt/Jimmy/Bob/Scallion 1(voice)
Mike Nawrocki
Larry/ Jerry/Jean-Claude/Scallion #2/Unbrilliant/QWERTY (voice)
Tim Hodge
King Snoodle/Dignified Snoodle (voice)
Cydney Trent
Petunia (voice)
Keri Pisapia
Step Snoodle/Snoodle Sisters (voice)
Megan Murphy
Madame Blueberry (voice)
Rebecca Walker
Snoodlerella (voice)
Lauren Hutchins
Lauren Thomas
Ally Nawrocki
Annie Onion (voice)
Joe Spadaford
Adam Frick

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