Drama History
Based on the real story of a French family, during 1878, this film is an adaptation based on the diary written by their daughter Chantal, on their ordeal as the first European colonizers who came to the wild lands of Patagonia, to enact their dreams and conflicts, through adventures and intense emotions.
Directed by
Jorge López Sotomayor
Julio Jung
Butler Rosamel
Pablo Krögh
Lazlo Rabber
Juanita Ringeling
Chantal Rouquaud
Alessandra Guerzoni
Madame Rouquaud
Martín Neglia
Monsieur Rouquaud
Francisco Medina
Copacho Chief
Omar Morán
Pablo Rouquaud
Ariel Canale
Tomás Ohlsen
Franco Gimaldi
Ricardo Paz
Nadine Frost
Samuel Flores
Dance Gentleman 2

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