Comedy Drama
A decadent countess, middle-aged but still attractive, forces her young and timid daughter to marry a rich butcher. But the couple’s sexual relation is troubled, because the girl has her fair share of inhibitions. So she abandons her house and seeks refuge at her sister’s place. During her absence, her husband finds consolation in his mother in law’s arms.
Directed by
Vittorio De Sisti
Written by
Vittorio De Sisti
Femi Benussi
Widow Neighbor
Agostina Belli
Ewa Aulin
Luigi Antonio Guerra
Rossella Bergamonti
Vittorio Fanfoni
Françoise Prévost
Giulia Sanfelice
Umberto Raho
Don Claudio
Monica Monet
Gianni Macchia
Rina Franchetti
Nello Riviè
Giovanni Rosselli
Giovanni Petrucci
Fausta Pittoni

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