Thriller Horror Drama
A surgeon goes on vacation in Istanbul, taking with him his wife and an assistant. The three of them lay in a villa, whose owner died mysteriously in his time. In the house strange things begin to happen and reality seems to twist in terrifying ways.
Directed by
Oscar Brazzi
Written by
Sergio Civinini, Paolo Giordano
Rossano Brazzi
Andrea, the Surgeon
Sylva Koscina
Sylvia, the Assistant
Aydın Tezel
Leonid Oblomov
Maitena Galli
Barbara, Andrea's wife
Fikret Hakan
Brizio Montinaro
Güzin Özipek
Gutzin Depek
Paola Natale
Domenico Stefanucci
Franco Romagnoli
Hulya Bengun
Alinegati Cakus

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