Drama Horror
After being thrown out of the police academy, Debbie Fung (Ellen Chan) gets a new chance but instead the proposition is to go undercover. Accepting the mission to get close to tycoon Lau Fuk Tin (Michael Wong) as he's suspected of a number of murders of women, under the disguise of Maryanne, Debbie quickly gets close to Lau. Going so far as getting almost permanent residence with the man, Debbie witness horrific things on the grounds. Despite, affection starting to develop towards her target.
Directed by
Lo Kin
Written by
Lo Kin
Ellen Chan Nga-Lun
Debbie Fung
Michael Wong
Law Fuk-Tin
Karel Wong Chi-Yeung
Charlie Ng
So Wai-Nam
David Siu
Maria Cordero
Fei Pak
Garry Chan Chi-Shing
Paul Che Biu-law
Billy Ching Sau-Yat
Sze Kai-Keung
Yan Nam
Sam Dang
Yu Ngai-Ho

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