Fantasy Animation Adventure
Sakura Kinomoto, a Card Captor, wins a game of chance and is awarded a trip to Hong Kong, along with her best friend Tomoyo and her rival, Syaoran Li. It turns out that the ancient rival of Clow Reed, the creator of the mysterious and powerful Clow Cards, summoned them, and she's out for revenge. A battle ensues, and secrets are revealed about Clow Reed's shady past and Sakura's connection to him.
Directed by
Morio Asaka
Written by
Nanase Okawa
Megumi Hayashibara
Madoushi (voice)
Megumi Ogata
Yukito Tsukishiro (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Kero (voice)
Tomokazu Seki
Touya Kinomoto (voice)
Meilin Li (voice)
Hideyuki Tanaka
Fujitaka Kinomoto (voice)
Kikuko Inoue
Yelan Li (Shaoran's mother) (voice)
Junko Iwao
Tomoyo Daidouji (voice)
Sakura Tange
Sakura Kinomoto (voice)
Kazuo Hayashi
Clow Reed (voice)
Motoko Kumai
Shaoran Li (voice)
Yuriko Yamaguchi
Fudie Li (Shaoran's sister) (voice)
Chiyako Shibahara
Xuehua Li (Shaoran's sister) (voice)
Lica Wakusawa
Huanglian Li (Shaoran's sister) (voice)
Sachiko Sugawara
Feimei Li (Shaoran's sister) (voice)

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