Crime Thriller
Alicia, a promising young PR executive, goes home with a handsome stranger, only for the pair to be attacked by a woman with a knife. Alicia kills the woman in self-defense, but then finds herself framed for murder. Unraveling the mystery, Alicia finds herself plunged into a web of deceit from which there seems to be no escape.
Directed by
Douglas Jackson
Elizabeth Berkley
Alicia 'Allie' Brayman
Barry Flatman
Blake Preston
Frank Fontaine
Frank Brayman
Frank Schorpion
Det. Ed Royko
Mark Camacho
Mark Brewster
Alan Fawcett
Jack Barton
Susan Glover
Judy Grant
Ellen David
Mark Walker
Avery Shaw
Maxine Guess
Jane Rawlings
Joanna Noyes
Eilen Brayman
Nathalie Girard

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