Comedy Drama Romance Music
Murad Salem is a rich man who is used to getting what he wants whenever he wants it. When he meets a beautiful woman in Alexandria, he wants her as wife number thirteen. He buys himself into the heart of the woman, until a well-meaning, former fiancée of her husband tells her just how many times he has been divorced. The new bride launches into a series of ploys that keep her away from the marriage bed.
Directed by
Fatin Abdel Wahab
Written by
Ali El Zorkani
كريمة - ضيفة شرف
Rushdy Abaza
مراد سالم
Hassan Fayek
صابر باشا عبدالصبور
Zeinab Sedky
أم مراد
Wedad Hamdy
بمبة الشغالة
Nawal Abou El Fotouh
Mokhtar El Sayed
Abdel Moneim Ibrahim
عايدة صابر عبدالصبور
Zeinat Elwy
Mahmoud Lotfy
Mounir Mourad
Ahmed Amer
مدير البوريفاج
Mona Sarhan
إجلال الزوجة الخامسة
Shehab Nessim
كمال فهمي - وجه جديد
Layla Sabry
عيشه الزوجة السادسة

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