Drama Romance
This Finnish romance tells of a young couple who vacation by the ocean. While there, the unsatisfied man decides he wants to end their relationship. Upon their return home, he has an overnight fling with another woman while his recently dumped girlfriend calmly waits outside his home. When the jilted woman begins to walk alone to her own apartment, she is struck by a passing car, and only then does the young man realize that he truly loves her.
Directed by
Erkko Kivikoski
Written by
Erkko Kivikoski
Kaarlo Wilska
Night guard at hospital
Martti Koski
Tuula Elomaa
Ritva Järvinen
Carita Gren
Dark-haired girl
Pekka Juutilainen
Päivi Kaasinen
Milja Luukko
Pekka Sahenkari
Advertising man

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