Animation Family Fantasy Comedy
Ebenezer Nezzer is out of control! He's trying to make Easter bigger than ever by filling London with plastic eggs! But just how hard can his mechanical chickens work before they're… well, fried? In just one unforgettable day and night, Cavis and Millward (Bob and Larry) and a music box angel named Hope must convince Nezzer that Easter is about more than candy and eggs. Inspired by Dickens' Christmas classic, this very special VeggieTales film explains why millions of Christians around the world celebrate Easter past, present and future.
Directed by
Tim Hodge
Written by
Keith Lango, Phil Vischer, Tim Hodge
Tim Hodge
Grandma Nezzer / Charles Pincher (voice)
Phil Vischer
Seymour (Pa Grape) / Cavis Appythart (Bob the Tomato) / Percy Pea / Phillipe Pea / Archibald Asparagus / Uncle Ebenezer (Mr. Nezzer) / Young Ebenezer (voice)
Rebecca St. James
Hope (voice)
Mike Nawrocki
Millward Phelps (Larry the Cucumber) / Winston (Jean-Claude Pea) / Constable (Jerry Gourd) (voice)
Dan Anderson
Reverend Gilbert (Dad Asparagus) (voice)
Lisa Vischer
Edmund Gilbert (Junior Asparagus) (voice)
Jim Poole
Moyer (Scooter) (voice)
Tracy Johnson
Cockney Woman (voice)
Keith Lango
Tradesman (voice)
Rachel Pitts
Egg Boy (voice)
Laura Richey
Hat Lady (voice)
Jacquelyn Ritz
Laura Carrot / Mom Asparagus (voice)
Adam Frick

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