The 10 Rules comedy tells a story of a shy scientist Marek who falls hopelessly in love with a seemingly inaccessible girl. His friends determined to help him, call Marek’s father, a successful publisher of books on the subject of how to get a woman. Together, they begin to develop a very peculiar course on girl psychology. However, do these 10 sure-fire rules apply exactly as described in the books?
Directed by
Karel Janák
Jan Dolanský
Jakub Prachař
Petr Buchta
Miroslav Donutil
otec Marka
Igor Rattaj
Kristína Svarinská
Veronika Khek Kubařová
Ladislav Županič
učitel Marka
Radim Uzel
Book author
Matouš Ruml
Alena Mudrová
milenka Filipa 4
Jiřina Daňhelová
milenka Filipa 3
Anna Šišková
matka Stephanie
Šárka Vaculíková
milenka Filipa 1
Taťána Krchovová
milenka Filipa 2
Gérard Robert Gratadour
otec Stephanie
Eliška Boušková
milenka Filipa 5

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