Crime Drama
'Rocks' Owen, the well-off owner of a car-hire business, is found murdered; the last place he was seen alive was the Blue Parrot nightclub. Scotland Yard go in to investigate, with the help of a visiting American detective and a nightclub hostess who may not be all she appears to be.
Directed by
John Harlow
Written by
Allan MacKinnon
Edwin Richfield
Guido "Taps" Campelli
Ferdy Mayne
Ballard Berkeley
Supt. Chester
Valerie White
Mrs. West
Dermot Walsh
Bob Herrick
Jacqueline Hill
Maureen Maguire
June Ashley
Richard Pearson
John Le Mesurier
Henry Carson
Arthur Rigby
Victor Lucas
Rocks Owen
Diane Watts
Thomas Gallagher
Jim - Blue Parrot Doorman (uncredited)
Aileen Lewis
Blue Parrot Club Patron (uncredited)
Joe Wadham
P.C. Jenkins (uncredited)
Eric Pavitt

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