History War Drama
This movie tells the story of Omar Mukhtar, an Arab Muslim rebel who fought against the Italian conquest of Libya in WWII. It gives western viewers a glimpse into this little-known region and chapter of history, and exposes the savage means by which the conquering army attempted to subdue the natives.
Directed by
Moustapha Akkad
Written by
David Butler, H.A.L. Craig
Oliver Reed
Gen. Rodolfo Graziani
John Gielgud
Sharif El Gariani
Raf Vallone
Colonel Diodiece
Rod Steiger
Benito Mussolini
Irene Papas
Anthony Quinn
Omar Mukhtar
Alfonso Giganti
Military Judge (uncredited)
Andrew Keir
Luciano Catenacci
Italian Sergeant
Takis Emmanuel
Robert Brown
Al Fadeel
Claudio Gora
President of the Court
Lino Capolicchio
Captain Bedendo
Tom Felleghy
Italian General (uncredited)
Franco Fantasia
Governor General
Gastone Moschin
Major Tomelli
Stefano Patrizi
Lt. Sandrini
Alec Mango
Sky du Mont
Prince Amadeo
Gianfranco Barra
Ewen Solon
Italian Tank Commander
Loris Bazzocchi
Piero Gerlini
Lorenzo Piani
Prisoner Escort
Mark Colleano
Infantry Corporal (uncredited)
Sergio Mioni
Mario Feliciani
George Sweeney
Captain Biagi
Amedeo Salamon
Man Watching Trail (uncredited)
Adolfo Lastretti
Colonel Sarsani
Pietro Brambilla
Young Soldier
Eleonora Stathopoulou
Ali's mother
Luciano Bartoli
Captain Lontano
Rodolfo Bigotti
Angelo Ragusa
Arab Caught in Barbed Wire (uncredited)
Giordano Falzoni
Judge at Camp
Ihab Werfali
Filippo De Gara
Victor Baring
Pietro Tordi
Field Marshall
Scott Richard Fensome
Machine Gun Sergeant (uncredited)
Mohammad Sanousi

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