Thriller Horror Crime
Driven mad by his failure to sell a profitable film to the porn industry, a director decides to create authentic snuff films with the assistance of two teenage runaways and a perverted cameraman. When the films bring in a profit through an amateur internet production company, they begin to see the film industry for what it is: a world of backstabbing and double-crosses. The twisted filmmakers then extract their own form of graphic revenge on the people who made them successful.
Directed by
Brad Jones
Written by
Brad Jones
Brad Jones
Jack Stone
David Gobble
Max Force
Carrie Jo Stucki
Jessica Stone
Nick Foster
April Manero
Tori Zimmerli
Buford Stowers
Karl Kox
Bianca Queen
Natalie Nichols
Jake Norvell
Homeless Man
Dona Foster
Anita's Mom
TNT Andy
Alex Shryock

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